.. _reference-index: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The Varnish Reference Manual %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 vcl.txt varnish-cli.txt varnishadm.txt varnishd.txt varnishhist.txt varnishlog.txt varnishncsa.txt varnishreplay.txt varnishsizes.txt varnishstat.txt varnishtest.txt varnishtop.txt vsm.txt vmod.txt vmod_std.generated.txt vmod_directors.generated.txt vsl.txt vsl-query.txt .. todo:: The programs: . varnishd manual page . varnishstat . - counters explained . common filtering options for shmlog tools . varnishlog .. . varnsihtop .. . varnsihncsa .. . varnsihhist .. The CLI: . connections: -T -S -M . varnishadm . CLI commands and what they do . - vcl.load . - stop . - start . - ... VCL language . The functions: . - vcl_recv . - vcl_miss . --- . The things you can do . - set . - unset . - esi . - rollback Varnishtest . syntax etc. Shared Memory . internals . Log records Libvarnishapi . function descriptions